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Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Simple Thought

Last Saturday was a rainy day in Georgia. I like to crochet as a hobby so I decided to spend most of the day crocheting a scarf for a co-worker. As I crocheted I started to think about how glad I am that I’m not married because I wouldn’t have time to spend a whole day crocheting. The thought was shocking because two days prior I was having yet another pity party because someone else I know is getting married. So after much deliberation I came to the conclusion the real reason my thought was so surprising; it’s because deep down I was afraid if I become too content being single that God will leave me single. Panic, fear and doubt began to flood my mind. I began to hear thoughts like: honey, you are over 30, there are no eligible men in your age group and you missed your chance for marriage. I started to become paralyzed with fear. At that moment I had a choice. I could have thrown another pity party or I could fight back. This time I won the battle. I fought back! I put down the crochet project and picked up my bible. I refocused my mind and began to mediate on scripture. I let God’s word sink into my mind and I felt God’s peace. This peace was no comparison for my negative emotions. Soon after joy began to grow in my heart and before I knew it I was praising God and my focus shifting from doubt, fear and unbelief to worship and gratitude!
Here are a few things I recommend when crazy thoughts try to bombard you:

Stop and refocus your thoughts
For every lie swirling around in your head there is a truth to replace it. Recognize there is a spiritual battle going on. Satan wants to destroy Christians and the mind is the battlefield. If you want to have victory as a child of God you have to train your mind to think the way God does. This involves meditating on scripture. The word has to take root in your heart. Renewing your mind takes practice and training. You can’t renew your mind one time on Monday and expect it to stay that way all week. It’s like training for the gold at the Olympics. It’s going to take sacrifice, discipline and training. When we see people preparing for the Olympics we can appreciate the dedication and sacrifice involved. It should be the same way when it comes to renewing our minds. We’re training for something far more valuable than a gold medal. We’re training for the kingdom of heaven.

“ Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”(Romans 12:2, NIV)

Learn to recognize the voice of truth
The voice of truth is the Holy Spirit of God. You can only learn to know His voice by spending time with him. God wants you to hear from Him. He delights in having a relationship with us (his children) and it is completely possible to hear from Him. God also wants us to be one with him so we can know him and understand His will. We really can’t overcome our struggles in our own strength. Take a look at John 14:15 -16 and John 17:20-23.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Don't Be Offended - Share Christ

Recently a very dear friend of mine called me. It’s not unusual to hear from her because she is a good friend. The call from her wasn’t unusual; the topic of her conversation was the weird part. My friend is not a Christian, so her perspective isn’t from a biblical stand point. When she called my friend said: “you know, you and my boyfriend’s mom (let’s call her Betty) have a few things in common.” Of course I wanted to know what these things were since Betty is 20 years my senior. She went on to say “The thing you two have in common is that you are both Christian and neither of you are married.” Wow talk about a slap in the face. I didn’t see that coming at all. For all the singles you know how touchy this subject can be. She proceeded to tell me how Betty is disappointed and upset with God over the fact that she’s in her 50’s and has never been married. She went on to say she doesn’t understand why God wouldn’t want women like me and Betty to get married. She said she thought God values family and marriage. At that moment I felt like Jesus in the wilderness. Satan is twisting the scripture! (Ok, I’m not calling my friend Satan. But Satan does work through people to twist things)

In that moment, after the words rolled from her mouth though the receiver and into my ear I felt the offense building up in me. Did she forget that she is also not married? Is she trying to offend me? Is she saying that I’m doomed to be single because I’m a Christian? What is she trying to say? I immediately started to conjure up a fiery response and at that moment God gently spoke to me and said get out of your feelings and shift the focus off yourself, use this as an opportunity to tell her about me! Oh my goodness how could I have missed that. (Thank you Lord) So I did just that. I explained that she is correct, God does honor marriage. I also told her God commands us to have no idols before him and anything we can’t be happy without is an idol. This includes good things like marriage.

You shall have no other Gods before me. You should not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth or in the waters below. (Exodus 20:3-4, NIV).

I also told her God doesn’t owe us anything. It’s not about what we do; it’s about who God is. I then went on to say that although I am single, I still have the greatest gift of all. I humbly explained to my friend God gave me the greatest gift of all when He sent His son Jesus Christ to die and the cross for my sins and rose from the dead.

That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus us Lord,” and believe in your in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. (Romans 10:9-11, NIV)

She responded with a long uncomfortable silence. After a few seconds she said a long Oh-Kay as if to say whatever, I don’t want to hear about Jesus. She promptly changed the subject. The good news is we are still friends and we often have conversations about Jesus and God’s gift of salvation. So, when someone brings up a touchy subject and offense rises up, check with the Lord and ask him how to turn your offense into an opportunity to share Christ.